About Me

Bryce Contreras was born and raised in San Jose, California. His interest in art began after watching the animated film “Wallace and Gromit.” This film inspired him to create clay art. At seven years old he taught himself the process of claymation and made claymation short films. He is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Studio Arts and Digital Media at Beacon College in Florida. He studied drawing; sculpting; ceramics; digital media; Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Bridge; and Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. In his digital media classes he learned typography and design to bring pictures to life. This semester he will learn animation techniques, digital photography, and advanced drawing techniques. He completed an internship at the Leesburg Center for the Arts in Florida and hopes to get a 2024 summer internship at an animation film studio or video game company that promotes mentorship, collaboration, and teamwork. His future plans are to work as an animator or artist.